To: GSS 94 Newsgroup
From: Twin2 (ie Maria)
Subject: Make-A-Wish

Wednesday, January 24, 1996 11:30:12 PM
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Hey everybody, I hope no one takes this the wrong way, but I have the oppurtunity to do one of the greatest things here at Northwestern and I wanted to share it with you all. On March 1, 2 and 3, I will be doing Dance Marathon. For all of you who don't know what DM is, we wacky dancers raise $650 per couple so we can dance for 30 straight hours while the rest of campus watches, and donates money via casinos, games, bars, etc. Its incredible and its the largest such evetn in the nation, save for Penn State's marathon. This year our cause is Make-A-Wish Foundation, which as you know provides wishes to terminally ill children. My wish chile is six year old little boy with skeletal cancer. He's very active and talkative and we can't wait to make his wish come true. If anyone out there is interested in helping out or contributing, please contact me. Thanks -maria %)
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